oa A study of the electrical properties of SbSI synthesized using CVD techniques
- Source: QScience Connect, Volume 2013, Issue 1, Jun 2013, 40
- 19 September 2013
- 17 October 2013
- 01 January 2014
Rod-shaped antimony sulphoiodide (SbSI) crystals were grown by utilizing elemental components of the compound. The material was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and surface morphology by SEM. Electrical conductivity was measured on the pallets of powdered SbSI by the four-probe technique in the temperature range of 4–300K, and by the two-probe technique in the temperature range of 300–550K. SbSI shows semiconducting behavior in the temperature range of 300–550K and metallic below 300K. Activation energy of an electrical conduction between 300–550K, is 1.87 eV.
© 2013 Dubey, Deshmukh, Kshirsagar, Sharon, Sharon, licensee Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals.