Volume 2019, Issue 1
  • EISSN: 2616-4930


Recently, big data investment has become important for organizations, especially with the fast growth of data following the huge expansion in the usage of social media applications, and websites. Many organizations depend on extracting and reaching the needed reports and statistics. As the investments on big data and its storage have become major challenges for organizations, many technologies and methods have been developed to tackle those challenges.

One of such technologies is Hadoop, a framework that is used to divide big data into packages and distribute those packages through nodes to be processed, consuming less cost than the traditional storage and processing methods. Moreover, it allows an organization to store all its data, unlike the traditional methods of selecting and discarding some data.

In this study, researchers investigate the investment of Hadoop in managing the academic libraries’ big data, focusing on three Vs (velocity, variety, and volume).

The studied population is academic libraries in Jordanian universities, and the results show how Hadoop framework using the map/reduce technique can be used to manage the big data of such libraries.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Big datadata managementHadoopknowledge integration and libraries
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