Volume 2014, Issue 1
  • EISSN: 2223-506X


Qatar, as the most competitive economy in the region, seeks the transition to a knowledge-based economy. Innovation plays a crucial role in the economic development transform stage (from a resource-based to a knowledge-based economy) promising a more sustainable future. Hence, this paper presents a descriptive study of the status quo of Qatar in innovation and considers its domestic innovation dynamics through the Global Innovation Measure (Index) data, while also comparing Qatar to Switzerland as the world leading economy with a full Innovation Efficiency Ratio (100%) in the Global Innovation Index. Moreover, in order to enable further progress in Qatar's innovation level, the relative strengths and weaknesses of its innovation elements should be identified and explored. Subsequently, some of Qatar's innovation dynamics are studied over time, in order to provide not only useful feedback, but to propose guidelines for the authorities in the process of decision-making. Extensive future research and analytical studies required for full exploration and identification of Qatar's innovation dynamics are recommended in order to provide comprehensive and detailed guidelines for the decision-making authorities. The results obtained in this research indicate that Qatar has shown a promising start towards economic development in recent years and that Qatar's scores are excellent in some areas: political stability, ease of paying taxes, tertiary inbound mobility, general infrastructure, electricity output, electricity consumption, intensity of domestic competition, research collaborations between university and industry, innovation linkages, cluster development state, joint venture and strategic alliance deals, growth rate of GDP per person engaged, intangible assets, information and communication technologies, and organizational and business model creation. Its scores are also satisfactory in many other areas. Nevertheless, there are indicators that require improvements and amplifications, such as: expenditure on education, assessment in reading, mathematics, science, employment in knowledge-intensive services, knowledge absorption, foreign direct investment, net inflows, scientific and technical publications, total computer software spending, knowledge diffusion, high-tech exports, communications, computer and information services imports and exports, creative goods services and exports.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Global Innovation IndexInnovationInnovation efficiency ratio and Knowledge-based economy
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