Volume 2011, Issue 1
  • EISSN: 2223-506X



Abundance and species composition of non-marine benthic diatom assemblages were studied from surface sediments samples of 11 streams distributed in Socotra Island, located in the northwest Indian Ocean. A total of 145 diatom species, representing 44 genera, were identified. The overall diatom communities appear to be the first recorded off the island. Pennales and non-planktonic taxa were most dominant over centrales and planktonic forms, both in diversity of genera and species. The majority of recognized diatoms are of cosmopolitan distribution. The predominant diatom flora in the surface sediment samples follow: . These are found in addition to the common occurrence of and . Multivariate statistical techniques including detrended correspondence and cluster analyses were used to summarize changes in the diatom assemblages present in the examined streams. The results indicated six major diatom assemblages with a variation in dominant species. Each assemblage reflects distinctive environmental conditions based on salinity preference of the recognized and dominant.


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