  • EISSN: 2223-506X


In April of 2018, the International Labor Organization (ILO) opened its first project office in Qatar to assist the government in reforming labor market policies to ensure compliance with international labor conventions and achieving fundamental principles and migrant worker rights. Using a policy transfer theoretical framework, this study examines the challenges, progress, and achievements of the ILO project in Qatar across five outcomes: minimum wages and wage security, labor inspection policy, occupational health and safety programs, Kafala (sponsorship) abolition, recruitment and working conditions, prevention, safeguarding, prosecution against forced labor; and promoting workers 'perspective, and access to justice. Data for this study consisted of governments and ILO administrative data and reports as well as evidence from literature review and government websites such as the Ministry of Labor, Qatar Statistics Authority, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, the ILO Arab States, International Organization for Migrations, and Regional United Nations agencies. Additionally, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with ILO Qatar experts on four progress reports 2018-2021 on labor market challenges, policies, and reforms in Qatar. The key accomplishments of the ILO and the government of Qatar include destroying the kafala system and creating a universal minimum wage for all workers. This signifies a shift toward more open, progressive migrant labor policies and an evolving acceptance of migrant rights and opportunities by the government and members of the mass culture.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): International Labor Organization projectlabor market policiesmigrant workers and Qatar
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