Volume 2013, Issue 1
  • EISSN: 2220-2749


Healthcare policies in Qatar place a high value on the concept of in primary care. The Institute of Medicine raised the concern of patient care in 2001 and Davis et al. advocates of PFCC, promoted the concept. The Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) and Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) in Qatar provide all the government health services of the country at this time. They have sought to integrate PFCC into its systems, while preserving the traditional Qatari way of life. Families in times past were excluded from healthcare involvement as medical specialization progressed, but the undervalued importance of families contributing to healthcare was later realized. Twenty-one established health centers in 2013, are to be augmented by thirty more within five years. By 2011, all Qatar's major hospitals and its Ambulance Service had achieved JCI accreditation. Entitlement to government healthcare is free for Qatari nationals, or at a small charge for expatriates who maintain a valid health card. Patients have access to a physician at health centers, but have to be referred for hospital consultant appointments. A range of services is available, including a pharmacy, at every health center. A is in place for HMC supporting family participation in care. The Center for Health Care Improvement (CHCI) was launched in 2008 and focuses on PFCC. Eight core objectives of the CHCI are outlined. Effective patient education with the adoption of sound healthcare policies and fiscal responsibility should help Qatar attain the goals it requires.


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