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Abstract Diabetes is widely prevalent in the Middle East. Its incidence and prevalence are on the rise in the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) nations. In Qatar, the World Health Organization estimates that diabetes accounts directly for 7% of total deaths, while cardiovascular diseases account for 23% [1], both of which are related to lifestyle factors. Risk factors for diabetes are fairly well established. But it is worrisome that they are becoming more prevalent. However, it is reassuring to know that the disease can be prevented or its onset delayed by adopting healthy life style factors. Examples of these factors include healthy diet and adequate physical activity [2]. The World Health Organization has identified that "Education is a cornerstone of diabetes care and prevention" [2]. Thus, providing education to all segments of society is imperative. It is well recognized that lifestyle habits conducive to good health are formed in childhood and adolescence [3]. Therefore, educating children and adolescents about healthy lifestyles and implementing diabetes prevention programs in primary and secondary schools will yield not only short-term but also long-term benefits. We have, thus, developed a school education program with its target group of secondary school children in the 15-18 year age range. The program will be rolled out in selected Qatari schools, and will provide information to students on topics of importance in the prevention of diabetes. The interactive program will encourage student participation. Outcomes will be measured using Knowledge, Attitude and Practice tools both pre- and post-intervention. Change in knowledge and attitudes will be evaluated through written and oral methods of assessment. We will discuss the program objectives, its format, content and evaluation. Evaluation findings will be presented and discussed. The findings will enable us to determine the effectiveness of the program. References 1. World Health Organization - NCD Country profiles, 2011 2. Awareness of Prediabetes — United States, MMWR 2005-2010 Weekly, March 22, 2013 / 62(11); 209-212. (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6211a4.htm) 3. National Institutes of Health. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/hd/prevent.html (downloaded July 28, 2013) Acknowledgement: This work is supported and funded by the Office of Academic Health System at Hamad Medical Corporation.