oa Forensic medical aspects of traffic accident reconstruction
- Source: Journal of Local and Global Health Science, Volume 2015, Issue Proceedings of the 24th World International Traffic Medicine Association Congress, Qatar 2015, Nov 2015, 94
- 12 November 2015
- 12 November 2015
Injuries and fatalities occur in all forms of transportation. Numerically, road traffic accidents account for the great majority worldwide. Special questions (especially from the forensic medical point of view) are associated with maritime and flight crashes, when bodies are heavily mutilated and severely decomposed (concerning i. e. identification). – Post mortem radiological investigations are of special value (especially body scanning, pm CT, so called virtual autopsy). The pattern of injuries, toxicological findings, and trace evidence vary considerably and the whole scale of forensic medical analyses is required. This concerns for example: Pattern of injury of vehicle occupants, effect of seatbelts, vulnerability of children in vehicles, injuries to motorcyclists, pedal cyclists and pedestrians, cause of death, suicide and homicide, railway injuries and the special dynamics of other motorized transports. Concerning fitness to drive/pilot/navigate/work careful medical (i.e. concerning epilepsy), psychological (concerning psychiatric illness, substance abuse) and toxicological screenings and investigations are required. For example chronic alcoholism and drug dependence have to be evaluated (i.e. by segmented hair analysis). Such drivers are responsible for very severe crashes. According to the German law these persons are banned from driving motorized vehicles.