Proceedings of the 24th World International Traffic Medicine Association Congress, Qatar 2015
  • EISSN: 2223-0440


Road traffic injuries [RTI’s] are known to be a global leading cause of death and disability. In Latin America, they have been shown in disproportionately affect young males, vulnerable road users and low-income populations. Some of the world’s highest death rates from RTI’s are found in this region and this lecture will describe the efforts to improve road safety in the Dominican Republic [DR]. Temporal trends in RTI incidence and mortality rates have been on the rise and these have been heightened by the changing demographics, increasing numbers of vulnerable road users and the influx of immigrant populations. In response, government and non-governmental agencies have been implementing a wide array of public education programs, targeted enforcement campaigns, road improvement and quality improvements in the delivery of post-crash care. An evaluation of the multi-sectorial programs to reduce the health burden from RTI’s in the DR will be presented and recommendations made for specific elements that must be retained and continued will be made.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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