Proceedings of the 24th World International Traffic Medicine Association Congress, Qatar 2015
  • EISSN: 2223-0440


Not being able to drive your own car can be devastating for mobility, health, finances and self-esteem. Driving is a visually demanding task (Owsley et al., 2008) and insufficient visual field can lead to revoked license. Acquired brain damage can impair the visual field and stroke is a very common diagnosis among drivers with visual field defects. de Haan et al. (2015) identified several undocumented difficulties among patients with homonymous visual field defects. License holders with visual field defects and interested in being assessed in a driving simulator were invited to answer a short web questionnaire. During the period December 2013 to June 2015, close to 400 people responded. The group is however not representative for the population of drivers with visual filed defects. Instead, it comprise the subgroup that is most concerned to get a new driver license issued (or to keep the license if it not yet withdrawn). A vast majority in the studied group was men (83 %). Almost 3 out of 4 were aged 55 years or more. The three most common diagnosis were stroke (39 %), glaucoma (31 %) and diabetes (13 %). General health status, vision and driving ability was self-estimated as very good or relatively good by 90-95 % of the respondents on a 5-grade scale. Weekly distance driven was estimated to 200 km (median). Involvement in accidents with only property damage, near-accidents and personal injury accidents during the period 2008-2013 was experienced by 8 %, 5 % and 1 %, respectively. Drivers with visual field defects regard themselves as healthy and good drivers. The drivers do often not understand the withdrawal of the driving license; many comments that they had driven for many years without any problems and that they can compensate for the defect by head movements. References: Owsley, C., Wood, J., McGwin, G, (2008). A roadmap for interpreting the literature on vision and driving. Survey of Ophthalmology, Volume 60, Issue 3, May–June 2015, Pages 250–262. de Haan, G A., Heutink, J, Mellis-Dankers, B., Brouwer W H, Tucha O. (2015) Difficulties in Daily Life Reported by Patients With Homonymous Visual Field Defects. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology: the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society.


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