Volume 2022, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • EISSN: 1999-7094


Penetrating trauma to male external genitalia is a rare trauma case. It accounts for 20% of all genitourinary trauma cases, and penile involvements are presented between 10- 16% of all cases. Male genital trauma is considered a urological emergency due to the high risk of infection, sexual dysfunction, and infertility. In this work, a 17-year-old male patient presented with scrotal and penile injuries due to a low-velocity gunshot wound. Genital examination revealed tissue loss in the foreskin, glans, anterior urethra (distal third), cavernous corpora, and total loss of right testis with a scrotal laceration. The patient was treated with partial penectomy, penile reconstruction, and urethral repair with an excellent uneventful postoperative cosmetic and functional outcome. In conclusion, penetrating male external genital injuries are rare with extremely serious consequences due to the functional, psychological, and aesthetic consequences. The best treatment with penile reconstruction and urethral and cavernous corpora repair may be achieved.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): amputationcase reportgenitalgunshot woundpenis and trauma
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