
The Northeastern Qatari coast, comprising diverse and sensitive flora and fauna communities (e.g. coral reefs and patches, seagrass meadows and turtles), is expected to undergo changes imposed by anthropogenic stressors (coastal development projects) in the near future. Ecohydrological models are theoretical, mathematical representations of a natural system, made to understand the functionalities of the real ecological system under physical forcing. These model systems are then used in order to assist the impact assessment of future scenarios on real systems. The aim of this study was to create hydrodynamic simulation along with a sediment transport model for a stretch of coastline off of Jabal Fuwairat. This aim was achieved using GEMSS modeler software, which requires the following data for a proper model (1) spatial data (that is included as shape files imported from ArcGIS), primarily the water body shoreline and bathymetry, additionally the locations, altitudes, and formations of man-made structures; (2) time-based data, that are varying in time (i.e. tidal changes, influx rate and temperature and meteorological data) and (3) Sediment composition. These data were collected and gathered into time varying data files and incorporated in the GEMSS modelling tool.Results from both hydrodynamic model (HDM) and sediment transport models (STM) demonstrated that the study area is highly dynamic, being mainly controlled by tides and with relatively high shear stress (potential for erosion) in the northern and east-western boundaries. Three scenarios of future development that might take place in the area were assessed and results showed the alteration of the dynamics of water and sediments accordingly. A sensitive analysis was conducted and recommendations to decision makers for a better management of the considered coastal zone are developed.


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  • Received: 07 December 2015
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