
Hittite's desalinization technology won the DM2006 Technology Competition from among 2550 applicants. This competition was organized by World Bank and Bill Gates Foundation. Judges for this competition were academicians from UCLA,MIT and Harvard.-Hittite Technologies have been approved by world famous renewable energy laboratories.-SPA-CIEMAT of Spain and DRL of Germany have included Hittite in their EU-financed Project Proposal in 2013.-NREL (National Renewable Energy Lab. of US Dep. Of Energy) and EPRI (American Electric Power Research Institute) included Hittite CSP Technology in their Government Project application called "solar hybridization of existing coal power plants".-Furthermore, MRIGlobal (an independent, not-for-profit organization performing contract research for US Government and Industry) reviewed and decided that Water Treatment & Desalinization Technology of Hittite is the best for industrial waste water treatment, including Shale Gas Farck Water and signed a cooperation agreement with Hittite to use this technology in North America.-Last but not the least, ACCIONA Agua Group from Spain (World's Largest Water Treatment Comp. and World's 2nd Largest Solar Energy Comp.) reviewed and decided that Water Treatment & Desalinization Technology of Hittite is the best fir industrial waste water treatment & desalinization and signed MOU with Hittite to use this technology in their projects.After being introduced to Hittite's desalinization technology in June 2014, the California State Water Authority called the Hittite technology "a game changer" and decided that it will help dramatically reduce California's serious drought problem, inviting Hittite to bring the demo units for demonstration.


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  • Received: 22 April 2015
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