
This presentation will include energy audit and energy conservation steps and methods. Energy audit presentation will include step by step energy conservation process. Details on retrofitting (energy saving methods and procedures will be included) which can be implemented to achieve the target energy saving and target reduction in carbon emission.The presentation will include following steps in detail.· Energy consumption will be measured in Electrical (KWH), HVAC (BTU), mechanical (m3) and landscape (m3) fields for specific facility.· After careful analysis of these readings in audit report, site visits will be performed to investigate where energy saving procedures can be implemented.· After implementation of energy saving procedures, monitoring will be done to check all the equipments are working properly.· Energy consumption will be measured again in Electrical (KWH), HVAC (BTU), mechanical (m3) and landscape (m3) and compared to the report developed initially. This report will provide saving achieved by implementing energy saving techniques.


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  • Received: 22 April 2015
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