
Only a few decades ago, the German university system has undergone a major adjustment, transforming the existing engineering schools and other previously existing institutions into what is nowadays known as “Universities of Applied Sciences.” Since then, these they have proliferated strongly, representing today almost 60% of the German tertiary educational system (in number of installations). In the late 1990s, the European Bologna process had initiated another wave of reforms, especially unifying structure, duration, and credit transfer and accumulation at the academic institutions. As part of this two-tier structure, the bachelor's and master's degree programs were established throughout Europe, replacing in some countries the single-tier diploma degrees, e.g., the German Diplom-Ingenieur (Graduate Engineer).

This paper will describe how the Master's Program Information Technology has been implemented at Kiel University of Applied Sciences and has gradually been transformed into a highly-successful international program, attracting students from around the world with today about 70% of the student body being recruited from outside Germany and Europe. Special emphasis will be given on the next expansion, which started recently: globalizing this master's program. The English-taught program has been offered in Germany, the next step underway is the “export” to other countries, providing all the benefits of a genuine German study program and degree, but offering it partially or entirely in other countries. The major aspects of the implementation process will be discussed, as well as experiences and challenges related to the different international educational environments involved.


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