
Following the huge success story of the 2013 World Congress of Engineering Education, TexasA&M University at Qatar, in collaboration with our industry partner Maersk Oil Qatar, organizedthe 2014 Engineering Leaders Conference as an event to bring together Engineering Educationscholars from all over the world in one summit. The conference was held on November 8-11,2014 in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Doha, Qatar. Over 350 people representing 28 countries fromsix continents attended this global event. This conference intended to provide a forum forresearchers, engineers and academicians from around the world to present and disseminate theirresearch results and development activities on engineering and STEM education. The conferencealso provided a platform to exchange ideas about effective techniques and pedagogies toprepare new generations of engineering leaders who will address global challenges.Many of our participants shared their findings and experience on how to motivate and engageyoung talent to choose STEM disciplines as career paths. One of our objectives in organizing the2014 Engineering Leaders conference was to bring together engineering and STEM educatorsfrom around the region and throughout the globe to further promote and exchange ideas anddiscuss experiences in STEM education, instructional excellence, engineering education research,the role of technology in engineering education, entrepreneurship, new models for collaborativeengineering education, and leadership.The Congress also intended to serve as a forum to encourage the involvement of corporatedecision makers, as well as public policy makers, to convey their opinion regarding the needsand type of theoretical and practical hands-on education the modern engineering graduate isexpected to possess. The conference included several plenary sessions and discussion groupsfor high profile scholars and industry leaders to provide insight in the future of EngineeringEducation. Future trends in STEM and engineering education and instructional quality, aswell as the resources required to deliver a world-class education, were some of the significantissues addressed by this annual event. The conference also showcased the advancements inengineering and STEM education in Qatar and Middle East and North African countries over thepast two decades.We received over 150 submissions and selected 78 of them for presentation and inclusion inthis proceedings.Again, we truly appreciate your submission and participation in this conference and lookforward to seeing you at the third conference in 2016. The editor of this proceeding wouldlike to acknowledge QScience for their support in developing and publishing the conferenceproceedings.


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