
The research aims to improve the assessment tools that are utilized for the purpose of evaluating the performance of faculty in Egyptian universities. The paper focuses on two aspects of the performance assessment and they are: annual evaluation and promotion evaluation. The research is considering international standards for the two types of assessment and it utilized a descriptive method and a survey method that was completed by 80 faculty members at various Egyptian universities. The survey indicated that the current assessment tools for the annual evaluation are not effective and that’s pertaining to the ways it’s done. Although faculty members agreed to its necessity they had some reservations regarding the methods used. Faculty members also expressed dissatisfaction with the promotion assessment. This paper subsequently recommended to restrict the role of the Central Committees to monitor peer-reviewed and accomplished scientific journals and based on each discipline and not to peer-review the articles once more and that’s to eliminate double standards between the peer-reviewers and reviewers of the Promotion Committee. In addition, this paper suggest eliminating the time period between achieving a promotion and that’s for appreciating the value of the one’s work rather than adhering to time periods. The paper suggests that this will constitute an incentive to scholars. The paper proposed various other recommendations to improve the annual performance evaluation for faculty.


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  • Received: 30 April 2015
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