
Globalization has lead to a fundamental change of the paradigms covering our systems of higher education. The so-called Bologna process has initiated fundamental reforms, not only in the content and duration of university study programs, but also in the way application-oriented education is viewed and implemented worldwide – and especially in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This paper outlines new approaches to allow students to get international and professional experience and project-oriented know-how. A detailed discussion and comparison will be given, including the following educational programs: ISPS – International Study and Project Semester, EPS – European Project Semester, MUTW – Multinational Undergraduate Team Work, and Praxis – the Thematic Network dedicated to project/internship-based teaching and learning. Also presented will be the support system ACE – Academic Clearing-House for Excellence. Although theses programs are open to all types of study areas, currently the emphasis is on the engineering sciences, computer science & engineering, and information technology. All these programs are built around the central idea that state of the art university level education should be a mix of theory-based study programs and industry-oriented practical phases. The final part of this paper will cover the areas of accreditation and evaluation.


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  • Received: 18 January 2014
  • Accepted: 30 April 2014
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