oa Educational innovations for empowering teachers in acomplishing better education in Indonesia
- Publisher: Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press)
- Source: QScience Proceedings, Global Innovators Conference 2013, Apr 2013, Volume 2013, 11
An assessment of Indonesian teacher competence, conducted nationally in 1999, indicated that there were less than 25% of teachers meeting the national standard requirement. To address the pressing need of improving their competence, the Ministry of National Education (MONE) issued Regulation No. 16/2077 on teacher competence certification. The Teacher Quality Improvement (TQI) program was invented to address the requirement in accordance with the regulation. TQI focuses on facilitating teachers to be inspiring teachers and equipping them with capacity to implement a sound teaching method.
© 2013 Ramdhani, Ancok, licensee Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals.