

National and international efforts to promote research and communicate knowledge into the causes and consequences of damage to the human genome aimed to inform and support measures to ensure a healthy and sustainable environment for future generations. Developed countries have realized the need to regulatory bodies (e.g. FDA, EPA, EMEA, ICH and WHO) to be responsible for approval and administration of drugs, medical devices, cosmetics , food additives and chemicals before marketing their products. Developing countries are building their economy with a focus on industrialization programs at a pace exceeding measures which counteract hazards to both human and environment. Growing na tional industries in the fields of pharmaceuticals, food and petrochemicals will definitely impose a range of hazards to the population and the environment. The challenge facing countries of the gulf region and its neighbours is the lack of a local or regional infrastructure body which focuses on promotion of research and applications of knowledge into genetic toxicology testing, risk assessment, and regulatory policy-making to protect human health and environment. For the last few years attempts by concerned scientists in the region were practiced to fill in gaps and come up with practical solutions to overcome the need for an organization with academic and legislative power to set up regulations and guidelines for the safe marketing, labelling of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, consumer products, pesticides and chemicals. A proposal for the establishment of a Regional Center of Excellence for Environmental Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis Research in one of the rich Gulf countries is ready for disclosure. The proposal is based on initiatives of the European safety program REACH (Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals), and the well established regulatory requirements of the Food and Drug Administration, European and Japanese regulatory agencies, which requires manufacturers to conduct testing to identify potential hazards to human health and to the environment, and to submit the test data to regulatory authorities.


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  • Received: 08 May 2012
  • Accepted: 08 May 2012
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