
During the last five years there has been an upsurge in the number of home-based businesses in Qatar. This research investigates the reasons behind the sudden surge in home businesses, the support they receive from organizations such as Bedaya, Social Development Center and Roda Center as well as the future of home-based businesses in Qatar. Many young entrepreneurs in the country have noticed an absence in the market for businesses that sell desserts (cupcakes more specifically), fashion accessories and abayas. Creating a home-based business was one way of seizing this opportunity and meeting the market demand, at minimal start-up costs and reduced risk. Interviews were conducted with three centers that provide career and entrepreneurship guidance as well as seven home-based businesses that have been operating for at least a year. The research showed that Bedaya, Social Development and Roda Centers played predominant roles in the rise of popularity in this type of business. The advancements in social media have also made it very easy for aspiring entrepreneurs to reach out to customers at relatively low costs. The growth of home-based businesses in Qatar is an undocumented phenomenon. The study increases the awareness of home-based business in the country and is a research platform for further investigation in the field.


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