
This study explores the secular increase of national intelligence in Qatar (Flynn effect) between the periods 2000-2011 by using the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) that was standardized on a representative sample of 1135 participants from Doha area, to age group 6-11.6 year olds (males N=517, females N=618). The SPM was administered in 2011 to a representative sample of 1003 (males, N=469; females N=534) of the same age and in the same region. The 2011 study showed that IQ is normally distributed in Qatar. The percentage of children with high ability (1.6%), the intelligent participants (8%), above average (20.4%), average (46.5%), below average (15%), borderline (6.4%) and mentally handicapped (2.1%). Furthermore, the study showed that younger children (6 to 9.6 year olds) obtained very high IQ (104.37 points), however, older children (10 to 11.6 year olds) obtained lower levels (95.73 points). With adjustment to Flynn effect, the smart fraction in Qatar at 95% obtained an IQ of 117.8, while the non smart fraction at 5% obtained an IQ of 58.3 points. The most remarkable finding of the study is that the national intelligence has been increasing in Qatar by 11.25 points in 11 years from 2000 to 2011. The rate of increase per decade and generation was 10.22 and 30.66 points, respectively. Children in Qatar were responsible for one of the largest levels of increase of IQ in the world. The increase in rate of intelligence per decade in some economically developed countries like Britain was 2 points, USA and most European countries 3 points, Israel 6.2 points, Korea, 7.7 points and Japan 7.7 points. Additionally, Qatari children obtained the highest scores of intelligence in the Arab world without adjustment (101 points) and with adjustment (90 points) to Flynn effect. This result showed that the calculation of Lynn and Vanhanen for the IQ scores in Qatar is incorrect. Finally, 10 assumptions as possible causes for the increase of national intelligence need to be investigated by scientists and intelligence tests such as WPPSI, WISC and SPM+ need to be adapted in Qatar.


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