
Background Impaired fasting glucose (IFG), prediabetes, has a conversion to diabetes of 10% yearly, contributing to the prevalence of diabetes of 16.7% in Qatar. This high prevalence of diabetes will translate into serious vascular complications with considerable individual early mortality.Methods The Qatar Biobank is an ambitious national project that is collecting the demographic and biological data on an unselected Qatari population that currently has data from 1100 women aged 18-84 years. Data extraction of all women between the aged 18 to 40 years (inclusive) was undertaken by the Qatar Bio bank that identified 750 women in total. The number of women with and without impaired fasting glucose (IFG: plasma glucose 5.5-6.9 mmol/l; ADA diagnostic criteria) was determined and their demographic details compared. Bio statistical analysis was undertaken using SPSS. Results The prevalence of IFG was found to be 8.3% (62/750 women). Patients with IFG had a higher cardiovascular risk profile with a higher waist hip ratio (P < 0.01), lower HDL cholesterol (p < 0.01), higher insulin levels (( < 0.01), higher pulse wave velocity (a marker of arterial stiffness, p < 0.01), higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.01 and p < 0.03, respectively). C reactive protein, a marker of inflammation was also elevated (p < 0.04).Conclusion Whilst this is a small cohort, 8.3% of women had a ADA diagnosis of IFG with an adverse cardiovascular risk parameter profile. This study highlights that there is a need for early screening for IFG and intervention for the prevention of diabetes in young Qatari women below the age of 40. Acknowledgments We are grateful to the Qatar Foundation and the Qatar Biobank for their support and assistance.


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