
The petroleum industry usually uses class G cement when it comes to cementing jobs. However, that was the only option before, and because of that many issues came with it. Indeed, in the Middle Eastern region as well as the rest of the world, wellbore integrity is always a reason for concern. If wellbore integrity is not guaranteed, then production or drilling operations would be done under very unsafer circumstances. In order to fix certain leaks or cracks found in the well, resin cement can be used in order to prevent any interaction between the wellbore fluids and the formation fluids. Because of its elasticity and high compressive strenght resistance, the resin will fill in the fracture or space perfectly and seal it off thus preventing any future issues. An example of that would be when they used resin cement in the Utica shale formations where annular pressure buildup was faced due to a fracture found in the casing. The pressure buildup disappeared completely after they had applied resin cement into the fracture. It was also used to solve a combo problem when the operator was producing from Polish shale. Indeed, the problem was that they wanted to fracture the formation in order to improve productivity, however by fracking the formation, they would also damage the well and put the well into danger. In order to preserve wellbore integrity, the parts in the well were repaired by injecting resin cement in areas where the casing wasn>t well cemented. The operator company was the able to frac the formation with no wellbore integrity. Similarly, resin cement can also be used to abandon a well. Indeed, in order to perform a good abandonment, one major aspect that is focused on is that not pressure is bled off from the well. However, when gas is present, it sometimes keeps leaking despite the cement there. Which is where resin cement comes in hand. Because of its unique properties, the resin cement will be able to seal off the well completely with no issues due to its elasticity and how it sets. Other than resin cement being great to use as a seal, it also has a very high compressive and tensile strength compared to normal class G cement.We had to run several different tests to look at the different aspects it withheld. Thus, the resin was put through (transit time testing, temperature, compressive strength, acoustic impedance, and finally a crush test). To undergo all these tests there was a process that had to be followed so that all of our results were under API standard and were obtained in a safe manner.This research is aimed at seiing how resin cement as well as the mix of resin with class G cement can improve well integrity as well as combined solution for unwanted fluid shut-off in the Middle Eastern region, i.e. for carbonates reservoir and under typical reservoir temperatures and pressures found in this region. Through these results, we will be able to assess the application that can be used for any remedial jobs no matter what the issue and how great of a seal it can be. All of this will be seen through its enhanced properties.


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