
The purpose of this study is to determine the social, psychological, and economic impacts that result from women working on her family in Qatari society. This study will seek to answer the following questions

What are the social impacts that are correlated between employed Qatari women on her family?

What are the psychological implications of a Qatari woman who is working on her family?

What are the economic implications related tan employed Qatari woman and her family?

The sample population consisted of married women working in Doha whose ages ranged from 2046 years and the number of participants in the study sample is (50). These women represent an intentional sample of women who are employed in various ministries and official institutions. The study design tool used for this study was a questionnaire. Through drawing from previous literature studies and research findings, the questionnaire was designed to ensure that it is genuine and comprehensive in order it be applied to the study sample.

From the perspective of married working women, they placed the greatest impact being social with the overall average being 91, then the psychological impacts coming afterwards at 87.9and the third most significant impact being economic with 84.6. The results suggest that women's work greatest impact is on a social level in where social relations between family members are impacted as a result of women working long work hours and subsequently having less communication time with family members and friends. This in turn may affect their relationship with her husband and her children. Thereafter, family members may find themselves facing greater social issues as a result of the absence of the working woman. There was a positive correlation between women working and economic impacts on the family. It was noted from the results that the woman's income helps the family in terms of attaining greater financial security, in terms of improving the standard of living for the family and to help provide better opportunities for the children's education (as the family would be better position financially pay for school tuition in better schools). While there are a number of positive economic impacts that are indicated through the study results, the study results also showed that there were a number of negative psychological impacts. More specifically, the results suggested that women suffer from a lack of sleep due to the dual roles they maintain as both the care giver and a financial provider. The demands of both of these roles according to the study left many women feeling that they had not fulfilled their obligations to their family and also lead to many of the participants suffering insomnia, agitation, and other sleep disorders due to the anxiety and stress they endure as resulting from having to balance work and home responsibilities. The study puts forth a number of proposals that focus on supporting and strengthening the position of the Qatari woman and her family. Firstly, there needs to be further research and studies to determine the social, psychological, and economic impacts of Qatari women working on their family life. These studies should be done and the results of which should be discussed with people wanting to marry in order they are aware of the challenges and the benefits of women working. It is important to educate women in terms of how their decision to work can positively and negatively impact their family life. Ultimately, for Qatari society to thrive and prosper, families and communities must be based on healthy foundations.



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