
Technology transfer is the process of transferring skills, knowledge and technologies to other parties enabling them to further develop and exploit the technology into new products, processes, or services. Based on Sahal's (1981) concept, Bozeman (2000) argues that technology and knowledge are inseparable simply because when a technological product is transferred or diffused, the knowledge upon which its composition is based is also diffused. An important pillar of knowledge-based economies is the knowledge transfer, which is guiding the establishment of knowledge distribution networks as a supporting structure for the links between the progress and utilization of knowledge. David, P. and Foray, D. (1995) Accessing and Expanding the Science and Technology Knowledge Base. Qatar's efforts in creating knowledge-based economy through knowledge acquisition and dissemination, hinges on the adaption of effective and efficient Technology transfer process. Qatar has a successful history in technology development in the oil and gas sector by tapping into foreign technology and knowledge "Know how" through collaboration with foreign companies. However, similar external transfer of technology has not taken place at the same scale in other sectors. "Turning Qatar into a Competitive Knowledge- Based Economy" Knowledge Economy Assessment of Qatar May 21, 2007 Government of Qatar Planning Council) The most relevant form of innovation for Qatar at this stage is local improvements based on adoption of technologies that are available worldwide or locally "Know-how and know-who". The national innovation strategy is mainly focused on external human capital and technology where the future success of the national innovation system is dependent on the development of internal innovation and research abilities with the associated knowledge transfer (Government of Qatar Planning Council, 2007). Focusing on Socialization and Internalization roles in knowledge transfer as the most exposed parts to cognitive impact, Tacit knowledge has a personal quality and the process of acquisition and dissemination are deeply impacted and affected by cognitive elements of which Johnson-Laired (1983) called "Mental Models". Such Mental Models are formed and constructed based on cumulative individual experiences. The research will attempt to verify and justify the evident cognitive impact on the internalization and socialization parts of Nonaka & Takeuchi (1995) "Spiral" Model of knowledge creation. As the impact will be shaped by the local social and cultural attitudes .The research will profile Qatar's local culture based on Hofstede five cultural dimensions using modified Values Survey Module VSM 2013 developed by Geert Hofstede and Michael Minkov. Qatar's cultural profile will impact the technology transfer process and cycle of knowledge acquisition and dissemination. The impact will be identified, validated and investigated based on Qatar's performance in World Bank Knowledge economy index and knowledge index The research contributes to the understanding of the relationships between cultural characteristics and behaviors shaping knowledge acquisition and creation process in a developing country transition to knowledge economy with emphasis on technology transfer. Conclusions will suggest a framework associating Culture and Knowledge to facilitate knowledge transfer within the state of Qatar.


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