Volume 2022, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


The risk of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) transmission in the confined mobile ambulance compartment is increased during aerosol-generating procedures and close proximity. Paramedics are encouraged to increase body-surface-isolation by donning additional personal protective equipment (PPE) during patient encounters. This study aimed to better understand paramedics’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to PPE use during the COVID-19 pandemic in the prehospital setting with a focus on mitigating risks associated with infection control.

This prospective quantitative study collected descriptive data using a specifically designed data collection tool. The survey data was then cleaned and analyzed with Microsoft Excel® and the latest version of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences.

One thousand frontline paramedics employed by the Hamad Medical Corporation Ambulance Service (HMCAS) were invited via email to participate in the study. A total of 282 (28.2% of frontline paramedics) paramedics completed the online survey, of which 80.1% completed the mandatory HMCAS online infection control training program within the last year, and 17.0% between one to two years ago. Approximately 83% of the participants had completed an N95 mask fit test at HMCAS within the past five years, and 91.5% completed the hand hygiene training.

The study found that 98.2% of the paramedics were knowledgeable about COVID-19 and its transmission, while 96.1% agreed that aerosol-generating procedures increased airborne transmission. The paramedics’ attitudes were mainly positive toward the use of PPE to prevent the spread of the virus, which was synchronous with their practice. The sample population demonstrated a strong knowledge of COVID-19 and its transmission. Their overall positive attitudes and good infection control practices were demonstrative of efforts to mitigate risks associated with the spread of the virus.


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