Volume 2021, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


Background/aim: Infertility is defined as the inability of heterosexual couples to achieve a successful clinically recognizable pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility estimations are very important to inform the healthcare policymakers and governments to implement appropriate social and economic policies. Thus, this study aimed to estimate the pooled prevalence of infertility (primary and secondary) and its etiologic factors in Sudan.

Methods: This study included all published and unpublished studies written in Arabic or English. Electronic sources (namely, PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and ClinicalTrials.gov) and nonelectronic sources (direct Google search, Google Scholar, OpenGrey, OATD, WorldCat log, and university websites) were used from their inception to May 16, 2021. A total of 1955 studies were reviewed, of which only 20 studies were eligible for the meta-analysis. Studies were eligible if they provided the prevalence of infertility in Sudan. The Joanna Briggs Institute Quality Assessment Tool was used to evaluate each study. Data synthesis and statistical analysis were conducted using Jeffrey's Amazing Statistics Program version

Results: The pooled prevalence of overall infertility, primary infertility, and secondary infertility in Sudan were 13% (I2 = 96.45,  < 0.001), 65% (I2 = 98.5,  < 0.001), and 35% (I2 = 98.5,  < 0.001), respectively, and the prevalence of infertility factors were 41%, 27%, 16%, and 17% for female, male, combined factors, and unexplained factors, respectively. Women with infertility were mainly present because of ovulatory disorders (ovulatory factors, 36%; polycystic ovary syndrome, 38%). By contrast, spermatic disorders such as azoospermia (37%), oligozoospermia (30%), and asthenozoospermia (30%) were the main causes of male infertility.

Conclusion: In Sudan, the prevalence of primary infertility is higher than that of secondary infertility. Female factors were the most common causes of infertility in Sudan, and this study found a high prevalence of unexplained factors. Polycystic ovary syndrome and azoospermia were the most common causes of female and male infertility in Sudan, respectively. The interpretation of these findings should take into consideration the presence of substantial heterogeneity between the included studies.


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