Volume 2015, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2221-9048
  • EISSN:


Design is usually seen as a systematic practice engaged in by professionals, resulting in physical products for consumption. Yet, the internet and mobile technology have opened the field of design to non-professionals who have created several non-tangible, knowledge-based products including communication and language forms. The internet provides an unregulated space for various hybrid makings ranging from novel domains of communication and self-expression such as wikis and blogs to dynamic platforms for interaction such as Facebook, Twitter, and Internet Relay Chat. Regarding language, one such grassroots design product is , a unique linguistic blend of Arabic and English. This paper explores the origins, characteristics, and functions of 3arabizi as a case of language making in response to socio-environmental constraints and opportunities in online contexts. In particular, the paper highlights 3arabizi's use of arithmographemes i.e., keyboard numbers used as letters. Other hybrid online languages such as Greeklish (Greek-English) and SMSki (Russian-English) are also discussed.


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Supplementary File 1

  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Arabic, Greek, RussianCMC and Latinization
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