2 - Second Qatar Allergy Conference
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a complex inborn error of humoral immunity with complications of both infectious and non-infectious origins. Classifications of CVID patients provide a clearer understanding of the pathogenesis, prediction, and management of non-infectious complications. This study aims to classify Moroccan CVID patients based on the European classification (EUROclass).

We recruited 20 CVID patients meeting standard diagnostic criteria (5-6). After collecting clinical and demographic data, we used flow cytometry to analyze B-cell subsets and group patients and assess the relation of each group with clinical manifestations.

90% of the patients in our cohort study had a history of respiratory infections. The non-infectious manifestations included splenomegaly, autoimmunity, lymphadenopathy, and granulomatous diseases diagnosed in 50%, 45%, 40%, and 25% of patients, respectively. We observed significant co-occurrence of splenomegaly with autoimmunity and granulomatous diseases to a lesser extent. Patients had a significant reduction in total, switched memory, marginal zone-like, plasma blasts, and a substantial increase in the percentage of activated B cells, suggesting a defect in the late phases of B-cell differentiation. This condition was linked with an increased occurrence of splenomegaly and granulomatous affections. Besides, patients also had an expansion of CD21low B-cells, which was strongly associated with splenomegaly.

The classification of the first Moroccan cohort of CVID patients showed agreement with previous results. It suggests the possibility of adopting this approach on a global scale for better diagnosis and follow-up of CVID patients.


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