Volume 2020, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


Our article outlines a perspective on COVID-19 reactivation with considerations of implored commentary on behalf of the medical community regarding open discourse about this subject. Such a topic is paramount in elucidating parameters that pertain to testing, and subsequent public health population dynamics once uneventful cases pass. We argue that what some may refer to as a reinfection or reactivation of the virus, is actually a result of prolonged shedding of the virus complemented with occasional false positives/negatives and lab errors. This article was written with the perspective of informing in addition to engage discussions that distill salient, evidence-based characterization of COVID-19. We hope to recruit fellow academics in medicine who see trends in their own respective communities about people who re-test, and to explore their clinical outcomes.


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  • Article Type: Editorial
Keyword(s): COVID-19reactivation and SARS-CoV2
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