Volume 2011, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


Records were reviewed of 81 cases of ruptured gravid uteri seen in the hospitals of Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, in the 32 years 1977–2008, an overall incidence of 0.025%, although the incidence 1977–1997 was 0.01 % and that of 1998–2008 was 0.036%. Grand multiparity was a prominent cause (56.5%) in the first 21 years but less so in the later period 1998–2008 (10%) although involvement of a uterine scar from a previous caesarian section was noted more (84%) in the later period than in 1977– 1997 (43.5%). Other associated factors were the use of oxytocin or PGE2. Epidural anesthesia in the later period might have provoked abnormal fetal heart rates. The need for hysterectomy decreased from 65% to 10%. Perinatal mortality decreased slightly. Although we conclude that uterine rupture is rare (0.025%) it can be catastrophic for mother and newborn and might be prevented by multi-layer uterine hysterotomy closure, a longer interpregnancy interval following a caesarian section, and no or limited use of prostaglandins.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): epidural analgesia and neonatal outcomematernalPGE2previous scarsyntocinon use and Uterine rupture
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