Volume 2006, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


In this retrospective study we sought to determine the outcome of pregnancies associated with intrauterine contraceptive devices. Medical records of2000 women, who used IUCD, were reviewed in detail. All IUCDs were inserted either post menstrual, post delivery or post miscarriage. 1196 (60%) IUCDs were inserted by doctors and the remaining 804 (40%) by midwives. The cohort was divided to four groups on the basis of their age. There were 300, 950, 300 and 450 women in 18-22,23-27,28-32 and 33-37 years groups respectively. They were also divided to three groups on the basis of their parity with 300 Para 1 women, 1100 Para 2-4 women and 600 Para 5 or more. 37 (1.85%) unintended pregnancies occurred, including 35 intrauterine pregnancy and 2 ectopic pregnancies. 9 (3%) of these pregnancies occurred in 18-22 year group, 16 (1.68%) in 23-27 age group, 8 (2.67%) in 28-32 age group and 4 (0.89%) in 33-37 age group (Fig. 1). 19 (1.59%) of the pregnancies occurred in women whose IUCDs were inserted by medical staff and 18 (1.51%) in those whose IUCDs were inserted by midwives. The outcome of intrauterine pregnancies included 19 (51%) term pregnancies, 9 (24%) miscarriages, no septic abortions, 7 (19%) Preterm labour including 2, 26-28 weeks and 5 29-32 weeks. No puerperal sepsis or congenital abnormalities were reported (Fig. 2).


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): ContraceptionEctopic PregnancyIntrauterine Contracepteive Device and Miscarriage
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