oa Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Patients Attending West Bay Health Center Towards Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
- Source: Qatar Medical Journal, Volume 2006, Issue 1, Jun 2006, 14
- 01 June 2006
Upper respiratory tract infections (URI) are very com-mon in general practice. Although viruses cause the ma-jority of URI, many patients expect antibiotic treatment. At one Primary Health Care Center in Qatar; during October - November 2004, eleven hundred and eleven adult patients completed a short questionnaire on demographics, knowl-edge, attitudes, practices towards URI, and patient satis-faction. Four hundred and forty eight (40.3%) recognized viruses as the most common cause of URI; seven hundred and eighty-eight (70.9%) chose consulting a physician as the first line of action when contracting URI; 721 (64.9%) stated that management should be based on physician's diagnosis while 28% expected antibiotics. A majority of participants acknowledged the importance of counseling in their satisfaction but 49.6% reported dissatisfaction if antibiotics were not prescribed and 31.6% reported seek-ing antibiotics when not prescribed. Participants expect-ing antibiotics differed significantly regarding knowledge of causes of URI (p = 0.004). There was no significant dif-ference regarding factors affecting satisfaction based on antibiotic expectation. Results highlight the need for public education and counseling on etiology, course, and management of URI by physicians.