Volume 2003, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


In order to review our experience with prostaglandin-E2 for the induction of labour and to evaluate its safety and outcomesa retrospective study was carried out at the Women's Hospital, Hamad Medical Corporation, over a six-month period. Three hundred and thirty four patients (7% of total deliveries) were induced by PGE2 (Dinoprostone), including 105 (30%) nulliparae and 229 (70%) multiparae. Patients with a history of one previous lower segment caesarean section were also included. Post date pregnancy and diabetes were the most common indications for induction.

There were significant differences in the two groups regarding the number of doses and the mean total dose of PGE2 used. The need for syntocinon augmentation was more in the nulliparae (41% vs 22%). Failed induction occurred only in nulliparae. The rate of caesarean section in induced labour remained significantly low compared with a spontaneous labour (11.6% vs 10.7%). The caesarean section rate was higher in the nulliparae (16.0% vs 9.6%) but this was not statistically significant. The caesarean section rate was higher when Bishop score 0-4 (76% vs 24%). Only two of the babies in the study group had an Apgar score less than 7 at 5 minutes. There was one caesarean hysterectomy because of postpartum hemorrhage associated with the PGE2 induction.

Conclusion: The calculated induction rate with PGE2 was 7% of total deliveries. Induction of labour with PGE2 in a grandmultiparae and previous caesarean section is relatively safe but further multicentre studies are needed to confirm our findings.


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  • Article Type: Case Report
Keyword(s): cervical ripeninglabour induction and Prostaglandin E2
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