oa Pyomyositis in Qatar: Report of a Case Presented as Back Pain and Sciatica and Review of the Literature
- Source: Qatar Medical Journal, Volume 2002, Issue 2, Nov 2002, 25
- 01 November 2002
Pyomyositis is a bacterial infection affecting the large muscle groups and is usually accompanied by abscess formation; the term “tropical myositis” being an alternative as it is more common in the tropical regions, and has become an increasingly recognized entity in temperate climates. Normally skeletal muscle is resistant to metastatic infections but it seems likely that more than one specific factor can remove this barrier. The most common organism being Staphylococcus aureus found in about 90% of the cases, while Streptococcal spp. are next in frequency. Other bacterial species have been incriminated; fungal infection can also cause local destruction and abscess formation, while viral infection (notably Coxsackie viruses) may result in acute rhabdomyolysis. The spread is hematogenous except in those cases in which there is direct extension, as from osteomyelitis, and the muscles commonly affected are the glutei, quadriceps, shoulder and axial. The abscess forms deep inside such muscles.