oa The Pattern and Severity of Primary Glaucoma in Qatar
- Source: Qatar Medical Journal, Volume 2002, Issue 1, Jun 2002, 15
- 01 June 2002
Purpose: To describe the pattern of both types of pri-mary glaucoma in Qatari adult patients and to outline the main problem related to its management.
Material and Methods: A random sample of Qatari patients with primary glaucoma either open angle or angle closure glaucoma in whom the diagnosis was made after the age of 30 years was studied over the last 2 years (1997-1998) by standard questionnaire as regards their personal and medical profile, and assessed ophthalmologically both subjectively and objectively.
Results: 195 patients were studied, of whom 29.7% had angle closure glaucoma. Early presentation was clearly shown in both type of glaucoma. Legal blindness was present in significant proportion of patients.
Comment: Glaucoma in Qatari patients presents at an early age, with substantial loss of visual function at presentation. Poor compliance is an obstacle for manage-ment in both types of glaucomas. The need for an educa-tional campaign and a program for early detection is highly advised.