oa The Tuberculin Test in Children with Tuberculosis in the State of Qatar
- Source: Qatar Medical Journal, Volume 2002, Issue 1, Jun 2002, 12
- 01 June 2002
To correlate standard tuberculin skin test (TST) results in children diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB), data was collected retrospectively from the tuberculosis treatment unit, State of Qatar, during the period 1992 to 1996. Sixtysix patients with confirmed tuberculosis included 42 (64%) with pulmonary TB, 24 (36%) with extra-pulmonary TB, 34 Qatar nationals (52%) and 36 females (55%). Mean TST was 13.5 mm ± 9.8mm. TST was negative in 18 (27%), 5-10 mm in three (5%), 10-15 mm in eight (12%) and 15mm or more in 37 (56%) patients. Lower false negative (reaction less than 10mm) was found in five (18%) of the older children (10 to 14 years).
It is concluded that, since one-third of the children with confirmed active tuberculosis had a false negative TST, clinical judgement remains the essential determinant. However, TST remains a potent aide for epidemiological and diagnostic purposes and periodic assessment of this is highly recommended.