oa Finger ischemia following a jelly fish sting: A surgical approach
- Source: Qatar Medical Journal, Volume 2000, Issue 2, Dec 2000, 22
- 01 December 2000
A 15-year-old girl sustained a jelly fish sting to her left hand and subsequently developed acute vascular insuffi-ciency of the left index and middle fingers with a threat of distal gangrene.
Jelly fish venoms are complex mixtures of polypeptides and enzymes pathogenic to man by means of their anti-genic properties. Fatal reactions can be caused by hy-persensitivity of the toxins on the heart, respiratory center or kidneys. Local or generalized skin eruption, exagger-ated local oedema, local fat atrophy and pigmentary changes are also features of the jelly fish sting. A direct neurotoxic effect of the jelly fish venom on big nerves as radial, median and ulnar nerve palsies has been reported by Peel.
© 2000 El Khatib, Al Basti licensee Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals.