Volume 2022 Number 3
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • EISSN: 1999-7094


Trauma is one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide for all age groups, especially in the younger age group. The purpose of the current study is to assess/analyze the factors for mortality in penetrating abdominal traumas with respect to the total number of intra-abdominal organs injured, related extra-abdominal injuries, gender, type of injury, time of arrival, and amount of blood transfusion needed during the pandemic. A retrospective study including 523 patients underwent laparotomy in Al-Emamien Al-Kadhimin Medical City from March 2020 to September 2021 for a penetrating abdominal injury due to blast injury, bullet, shrapnel injury, and stab wounds. The study population with penetrating abdominal traumas and indicative abdominal signs was subjected to exploratory laparotomy. In this study, 465 (88.9%) males and 58 (11.1%) females participated; the highest rate was found in small bowel injuries (40.73%) followed by large bowel injuries (21.99%), whereas the lowest rate was found in gallbladder injury (1.34%). Chest injuries represent the highest rate among extra-abdominal injuries (18.36%), whereas head and neck represent the lowest rate (1.34%). Regarding the risk factors affecting the mortality rate, the highest rate of mortality was found in the case of gunshot (13.11%), followed by shrapnel (6.38%) and stab wound injuries (5.26%), which was the lowest. Penetrating abdominal injuries were the most common among males, small bowel injuries are the commonest organs affected by the penetrating abdominal injuries, shrapnel injuries were the commonest causes in our country, and the highest mortality rate was related to gunshot and number of organs affected and delay of arrival to the hospital and number of pints of blood received.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Abdominal traumaBaghdadbowel injuries and COVID-19
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