2 - International Conference in Emergency Medicine and Public Health-Qatar Proceedings
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • EISSN: 1999-7094


There are cases of ED visits with chief complaints of Shortness of Breath which are managed as a Case of Bronchial Asthma, URTI or Cardiac Origin with the total number of 13047 ED visits in Female Urgent Area in December 2014, random sample of 180 patients with complaints of SOB and diagnosed as BA, 90% were given nebulization therapy without measuring PEFR. There is 0% compliance of PEFR measurement of the staff.

Retrospective data was collected from patient's record who presented with shortness of breath from 01 December 2014 to 30 December 2014 at Emergency Department, Hamad General Hospital. Data was analyzed to find out the compliance rate of peak flow measurement. Vigorous teaching was carried out among the staff nurses in Emergency Department to improve the awareness of the peak flow measurement as a standard of care for all Asthma patients. Prospective data was collected to compare the compliance rate of post-educational period.

The 50 patients who received nebulization in ED (MST, FST) were reviewed to identify the compliance rate of PEFR measurement Before, After and In-between the nebulization. Retrospective data of pre implementation phase showed poor compliance rate. (Eighteen percentage (18%) before nebulization, six percentage (6%) after nebulization and zero (0%) in between nebulization's. Prospective data of post-implementation showed tremendous improvement. The compliance rate of PEFR measurement before nebulization increased to seventy six percentage (76%), after nebulization to seventy two percentage(72%) and in between nebulization monitoring to 10%.

The implementation of the Peak flow project made a tremendous improvement in the staff compliance in measuring PEFR which can lead to better care and management Bronchial Asthma patients. Meticulous teaching is required to improve PEFR monitoring in between the nebulization in order to achieve 100% compliance.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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