2 - International Conference in Emergency Medicine and Public Health-Qatar Proceedings
  • ISSN: 1999-7086
  • EISSN: 1999-7094


Organophosphorus poisoning is a global public health problem. Annually, approximately 200,000–300,000 individuals die worldwide from Organophosphorus poisoning with the majority of deaths occurring in developing countries. In many countries in the Middle East, legislation is inflexible and unable to cope with new challenges. Often standards are not consistent with international and national needs. Hamad General Hospital (HGH) is the main tertiary care hospital in Qatar with its Emergency Department (ED) sees in access of 1500 patients in a 24 hour period. Anecdotally, there is a wide variation in practice of Organophosphorus toxicity management at HGH ED. The aim of this study is to check the knowledge and practice of the healthcare workers involved in managing such cases regarding decontamination, use of PPE and management.

This is a cross sectional survey using a pre developed questionnaire collected from a representative sample of 280 physicians of different grades and nurses in HGH ED.

Till date collected data from 156 nurses and 66 emergency physicians showed failure of recognition of correct indication of atropine use in 47% of nurses (73 out of 156) and in (15%) of physicians (10 out of 66). Wearing appropriate respiratory and skin protective equipment while attending to patients with suspected Organophosphorus poisoning was up to the desired standard in 54% of nurses (85 out of 156) and 97 % of physicians (64 out of 66). The more years of experience the more safety awareness.

Junior staff knowledge about anti dote indications and diagnosis is the best. However the seniors are more aware about protective measures. We recommend the introduction of standardized Evidence based clinical algorithm and developing of educational sessions aiming to increase awareness about organophosphorus toxicity management. A secondary audit is necessary following the above intervention to measure the awareness improvement.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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