oa Fracture of biphalangeal fifth toe: A diagnostic pitfall in the emergency department
- Source: Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care, Volume 2016, Issue 3, Nov 2016, 11
- 16 August 2016
- 01 September 2016
- 23 November 2016
Biphalangeal toe is a normal anatomic variant where distal and middle phalanges fuse to each other. In the context of trauma, biphalangeal toes may pose a diagnostic challenge and fractures may be interpreted as normal which can lead to misdiagnosis and under treatment. Here, we present a rare case of fracture through a biphalangeal fifth toe with delayed diagnosis. This variation should be kept in mind during the evaluation of a patient with foot trauma and assessment of foot radiographs, particularly in the emergency department where the majority of initial cases are presented.
© 2016 Turan, Kose, Guler, Ozyurek, licensee HBKU Press.