Volume 2007, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • EISSN: 2227-0426


Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the risk of foetal loss attributable to amniocentesis and to assess the experience in technique, successful fluid aspiration in amniocentesis performed in our hospital Study Design: Medical record of 123 women who underwent amniocentesis between September 1996 till March 2002 were reviewed for indication, maternal, age, nationality, maternal age, parity, nationality, gestational age at procedure, physician operator, amniotic fluid reports and pregnancy outcome.

Result: Within 30 days of amniocentesis there were tow (2.2%) foetal lossess, 91 patients (74%) for genetic amniocentesis, 32 patients (26%) Rh. Isoimmunization, 4 cases (3.2%) no fluid aspiration and in 10 patients procedure repeated one week later for successful aspiration.

Conclusion: Amniocentesis-related total pregnancy loss rate was 2.2%. Successful aspiration of clear amniotic fluid increases with amniocentesis experience.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Amniocentesispregnancy loss rateprenatal diagnosis and Rh isoimmunization
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