Volume 2000, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0253-8253
  • E-ISSN: 2227-0426


Between September 1996 and May 1999 twenty six pa-tients with a pancreatic mass were studied. In 24 patients (92.3%) the masses could be detected by ultrasound but were not detectable in the other two cases. In the 24 pa-tients percutaneous FN AC under u/s guidance produced only one complication.

The accuracy of this test in diagnosing pancreatic ma-lignant tumours was 90.4%. Laparotomy was not neces-sary in three cases with advanced pancreatic carcinoma (11.5%) and the material aspirated was not suitable for di-agnosis in three cases. No benign lesions were found and so it was not possible to estimate the reliability of FN AC in their diagnosis.


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