
Some first year engineering students lack basic knowledge of, and have a lack of engagement with the topics of foundation mathematics. This was clearly reflected on their low level of in-class interaction with the face-to-face lectures, and low marks in their final exams. The aim of this paper is to investigate the usefulness of online Moodle quizzes in improving and enhancing the teaching of mathematics to foundation engineering students. For this purpose, online Moodle quizzes with multiple-choice questions were developed and used to support the teaching and learning of foundation mathematics, help students during their exam revision, and improve their engagement with the topics of mathematics. The students had the opportunity to customize the online quizzes to their needs, control the topics and level of difficulty they want to study, and control their own pace and time of study during their revision before final exams.

The preliminary results from this research revealed an improvement of students' exam results compared to last year's results. More than 90% of the students felt positively about and commended the use of online Moodle quizzes, thought that online quizzes helped them learn mathematics, and prepared them during revision for their final exams.


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