
The paper draws upon the educational system in Qatar with a special focus on the female populace attending higher education and its development in the last 10 years. As the percentage of females who work in the academia in Qatar (Qatar University, Qatar Foundation) is rather high (outshines the number of males), we find it important to analyse the women’s experiences and achievements in higher education in Qatar. . The paper uses samples of Qatari female students who want to work in academia after the completion of their studies. At the same time, it inquires Qatari academic women about the difficulty and challenges of being an academic in this specific place, leading to findings pertinent to education in Qatar and the role of education and the dimension of education when it comes to the development of a country. For example, it explores the implications of this massive and rapid expansion of higher education in the GCC states, and how initiatives in education, as example Qatar's WISE (the World Innovation Summit for Education) seek to do for education what Davos does for economics, projecting Qatar’s global and regional influence. Therefore, we look further into the incentives universities give to females and facilities provided to them in order to work as academics or continue their studies (i.e. Post Graduate/Doctoral Studies), taking as case study: Qatar University. The analysis concludes with an outline of successful female professors who are at the forefront of the country’s development, combat radical thinking, work for global understanding, and build bridges using their knowledge. Scholars recognize that they play a greater role than that of the institutions seeking to impart knowledge. They are at the same time advocates for making sense, social transformation, and global engagement. This paper highlights the tremendous progress made, while presenting supporting evidence relevant to key questions in this pursuit


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  • Received: 30 April 2015
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