

This paper seeks to examine and describe the provision of digital resources and services by academic libraries in the GCC countries. It specifically targets the top three or 18 academic institutions of six GCC countries as reported by the Ranking Web. The study uses digital access tools, digital resources, digital services, digital forms, digital communication tools, and social networks as criteria to determine the provision of digital resources and services. Data were collected using web-based survey questionnaire, structured interview, and content analysis. The study finds that the surveyed libraries have a set of strengths and weaknesses for digital resources and services. Results of the study revealed that all or majority of the surveyed libraries provide and use core elements of digital resources and services. However, more than 61% of them do not have mobile applications, and at least 77.8% of them do not use online membership, online document reservation, and online complains and comment forms. Similarly the study found that most of the surveyed libraries do not use instant messages, SMS, and online video conferencing to communicate with the users. Likewise findings showed that at least 50% of the surveyed libraries do not have an account for Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. There is a need for these libraries to place more emphases on digital forms, digital communication tools, and social networks.


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  • Received: 09 September 2013
  • Accepted: 28 January 2014
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