Volume 2014, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2218-7480
  • EISSN:


Rev. Dr Donna Schaper shares her practical experience with young couples, in a world in which traditional conceptions about marriage are no longer taken for granted. Very often young couples are of a different religious background. In her experience, both partners should live their respective faith fully, instead of becoming spiritual orphans or raising their children as spiritual orphans. Most of the time as well, the spiritual significance of marriage is partially or totally lost. As Rev. Dr Donna Schape reminds us here, marriage should be seen as “a spiritual arrangement that has economic benefits” and, not the other way around, not as "an economic arrangement which has spiritual benefits”. For Christians, marriage is nothing less than "the imitation of God’s unconditional love for us.”


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Mixed-marriage, spiritual counseling, secularism, pluralism, family
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