oa Chapter 10 Data Integration and Volumetric Estimation of Hydrocarbons

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  1. Ahmed, T. (2000). Reservoir engineering handbook. Houston, TX: Gulf Professional Publishing.
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  2. Alyafei, N. (2015). Capillary trapping and oil recovery in altered-wettability carbonate rock. PhD thesis. Imperial College London.
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  3. Alyafei, N. and Blunt, M.J. (2016). The effect of wettability on capillary trapping in carbonates. Advances in Water Resources. 90:, pp. 36–50.
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  4. Amyx, J., Bass, D. and Whiting, R. (1960). Petroleum reservoir engineering. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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  5. Anderson, M.A. (2011). The Defining Series: Introduction To Wireline Logging.Schlumberger.
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  6. Blunt, M.J. (2017). Multiphase flow in permeable media: A pore-scale perspective. Cambridge University Press.
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  10. Donaldson, E. and Alam, W. (2013). WettabilityBurlington: Elsevier Science.
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  11. Dullien, F. (2012). Porous media fluid transport and pore structure. Burlington: Elsevier Science.
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  12. Masalmeh, S.K., (2002). The Effect of Wettability on Saturation Functions and Impact on Carbonate Reservoirs in the Middle East. In: Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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  13. Peters, E. (2012). Advanced petrophysics: Volume 1: Geology, porosity, absolute permeability, heterogeneity, and geostatistics. Austin, TX: Live Oak Book Company.
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  15. Pinczewski, V. (2018). PTRL6001 Reservoir Engineering I. [online] Available at: https://www.engineering.unsw.edu.au/petroleum-engineering/ptrl6001-reservoir-engineering-1 [Accessed 15 Aug. 2018].
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  16. Tiab, D. and Donaldson, E. (2008). Petrophysics. Boston: Gulf Professional Publishing.
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  18. Von Gonten, W., McCain, W. and Wu, C. (2018). Course Notes for Petroleum Engineering 311 Reservoir Petrophysics.[online]. Available at: http://www.pe.tamu.edu/blasingame/data/z_zCourse_Archive/P311_Reference/P311_Course_Notes_(pdf)/P311_1992C_Wu_Notes.pdf [Accessed 15 Aug. 2018].
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